Friday, November 11, 2011


So I guess my blogging inspirations were falling short since my last post...BUT after seeing the Olsen twins make the newest cover for Vogue and also crowned best dressed I felt inspired. I totally love and swoon over the Olsen's undeniable beauty and fashion sense. in the wise words of R. Zoe from cover to editorial it's full on BA-NAN-AS.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall Ka-ravings

Hey guys! feeling fall-a-licious this Sunday afternoon {lovin it}. woke up this morning and had slept with the windows open- definitely time to stop that summer habit. The leaves are changing and the fall crisp is in the air. Fall is probably one of my favorite seasons that poor Minnesota doesn't see enough of. I think MN craves snow the way I crave fall. (barf). I think fall is also everything to fashion must haves. Time to layer, mix colors, accessorize to the max, tights, boots, & cute fashionable jackets that can't be worn even for the sake of fashion- during a MN winter. These are a few items that I am Ka-ravin for fall. Strictly clothing items- if it were fall food cravings- lets just say I wouldn't have enough space to post ;)  anyway, how perfect is that necklace? I NEED it. Yes, need- not want.
Everything here is from H&M  minus the Minnetonka Moccasins.

Friday, September 30, 2011

It's a start

hey! today marks the first day i start posting in this blog. It's something I've been thinking about for a while so today on this fab friday marks my first post. I need an outlet in my life for my interests and my random rants for the day. Lets see where this takes me! Instead of just stalking multiple blogs all day long, its about time i participate, right?

I should note not to expect perfect punctuation- or at times less than perfect grammar from this blog. I type as I think and i just let if free flow [baby]. So for those that have an iphone are you aware of the hipstamatic photo app? this photo was taken with that app and for me it rocks my world for obvious reasons. it takes what in any other sense would just be a boring plate of din and (wa-la) it looks pro! yes, i made this dinner for my soon to be hubby. in my daily stalking of all sorts of blogs i have found a new interest in cooking. it could be my wife-like-instincts kicking in or the delicious fotos i droll over at work. either way my fiancé has no complaints as of yet- oh yeah, except when i cry that it doesnt turn out the way i planned. he eats it anyway ;) this is a meal i made last night that was blog inspired and so easy to make! stay tuned. <3<3